The use of a fully-equipped simulation bench offers the advantage of being able to perform all the tests relating to the various tools by providing for each the correct degree of acceptance and characterization through the measurement of the CM, CMK values and related X / R cards, thus saving time and allowing the recording and subsequent storage of all the data collected and then usable for statistical purposes.

The use of a fully-equipped simulation bench offers the advantage of being able to perform all the tests relating to the various tools by providing for each the correct degree of acceptance and characterization through the measurement of the CM, CMK values and related X / R cards, thus saving time and allowing the recording and subsequent storage of all the data collected and then usable for statistical purposes.

The operator interface is achieved through a keyboard display managed directly from the SPM100 TC ANALYZER control unit which allows to program and view the parameters and testing strategies for all of the tests of the five locations.

The system also provides the necessary data for the statistical analysis of deviations and problems related to them, through a history of all the tests carried out.

The system offers a number of optional features such as:

  • Acquisition system integrated with a touch-screen monitor
  • Ethernet Interface
  • Interfacing with torque wrenches or nutrunners at standard wireless SOFCA

Examples of processing:

  • Tests carried out freely
  • Calculation of CM / CMK
  • Calculation of Sigma
  • Views graphs
  • Storage
  • Creation of files in CSV / Excel format